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La Poire


Anine Cecilie Iversen, the artist behind La Poire, has been drawing and painting since she was a child. Earlier this year, she decided to take the leap and become an artist full-time. She describes her art as a study of colour, organic shapes, and the modern human being.

"I am fascinated by the perishable and ever-changing. Fashion, femininity, my feelings, and thoughts," Anine says.

She creates her paintings using watercolours, gouache, coloured pencils, and oil pastels.

"I love playing around and try not to overthink my practice, as I think this gives a certain ease that's very important to me," she says.

La Poire posters

Anine Cecilie Iversen je umelkyňa, ktorá stojí za projektom La Poire. Anine Cecilie Iversen pôsobí v Kodani v Dánsku a je grafická dizajnérka. Už ako dieťa začala kresliť a maľovať akvarelom. V jej dielach môžeme vidieť farebné botanické motívy a pôvabné, moderné a módne ženy v pestrých farbách a odvážnych organických tvaroch. Svoju inšpiráciu nachádza v prírode, móde, modernom umení a vo vlastných myšlienkach a pocitoch. Preskúmajte a nájdite svoje obľúbené umenie z La Poire na Desenio!